Thursday, January 19, 2006

Beacon Editorializing: 19 January

I've decided to start a new thing where, every now and then when the Beacon opinion page is particularly interesting, I'm gonna write a review/opinion/response/whatver to the things appearing that day. As I've been on the recieving end of both praise and criticism for my works with the Beacon for two years now, I've decided to dish some out for once. But of course, if I criticize a fellow columnist's argument, my comments do not bear any ill-will toward the writers themselves and are merely meant to spark debate.

Hrm, it seems like I only do this when Crystal's runnin'. Fact is I just have a big 'ol break on Thursdays with nothing better to do. Anyway,

"Alito makes for interesting TV" -Crystal Humphrey

Now this was a funny column. In fact, it reminded me of a slightly more crass piece which an incredibly handsome and intelligent columnist wrote last semester, and to which she also contributed.

And the point was there: pay attention, it's important. Despite how boring it might be.


"Abortion not for court to decide" -Chris Hedgepeth

Okay, I'm gonna sum up every Hedgepeth column I've ever read:

Democrats are stupid, moronic, depressed, godless sex addicts who hate America and need a healthy dose of Paxil. Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon rule!

There, now I don't gotta review them ever again, cause they'll all be the same.

So that's all for today, but I wold like to briefly comment on some of the other columns that have run since last time that I really enjoyed. Michael Lumley's piece from last week and look forward to more "quasi-conservative" bashing of Bush. Apparently I'm not the only one that thinks jacking up spending 40%+ is very fiscally responsible. Also, Scott hendrix had another good piece yesterday regarding fundamentalism. Check 'em out.

~Peace out, yo


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