Tuesday, February 14, 2006

If his mouth is open, he's spewing crazy

Stacey Campfield suggests sending Democrats hunting with Dick Cheney

That's it, it's official: Stacey Campfield is batshit insane.

I don't have anyhting else to say about this guy. He's just not worth the waste in effort. If you don't know anything about him, I suggest you read this column I wrote about him last spring, and if you like that, then you'lll love this webpage that I've dedicated to him.

Update: Michael Silence has picked up the story.
Update #2: As has Andy Axel, posting on Knoxviews. Apparently he was first, actually.
So the consensus seems to be unanimous - Stacey Campfield is indeed psychotic.
Update #3: Damn, this story isn't going away, it's going national lol. Picked up by Crooks and Liars. The consensus remains the same, though...


Blogger John Norris Brown said...

Geez, Jon. A mere two days ago you were joking that "the gun was okay" and laughing it up about a guy who got shot. Then Stacey makes a similar joke in bad taste and he's "batshit insane." Can we at least have a level playing field here?

1:45 AM  
Blogger Jon Fish said...

Um, when the guy basically suggests that people should be shot, I'm pretty sure I don't gotta cut him any slack. Maybe next week he'll whip out a holocaust joke, or I hear that date rape is just a huge laugh getter.

Stacey Campfield sickens me.

2:35 AM  
Blogger John Norris Brown said...

I'm defending the joke, like I said it's in bad taste. I am saying that jokes about shooting people aren't funny - just as a person getting shot isn't funny.

3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is one thing for Jon Fish (college student) to go, haha Dick Chenney is an idiot. It is another thing for Campfield, who has a history of putting his foot in his mouth, to spout off again and continue to make himself look like a radical lunatic, joke or not. Jon could admit to being somewhat hypocritical, but that does not negate the fact that Campfield is insane. In any case, I think Cheney just proved that guns should not be in the hands of sickly aging men. Especially those sickly aging men who cannot even spare the time to have one of his cronies get him a hunting license.


8:01 AM  

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