Alright, time for some good old fashioned narcissism.
For the third time in my career with
The Daily Beacon, I've garnered national attention with my work.
Today we got an e-mail in the newsroom from
The Nation, America's oldest weekly news magazine and one of the most popular, letting us know that my most recent column, "
Bushisms Stupify Columnist," would be republished on their website.
She wrote:
Dear John:
We’re writing to let you know that The Nation, America's oldest weekly magazine, has linked to one of your articles, "'Bushisms' Stupefy Columnist,” from our new student webpage at
We will be maintaining a daily newsfeed that highlights student journalism and events taking place on campuses across the country....Best regards,
Habiba Alcindor
Habiba Alcindor
Communications Coordinator
The NationAnd sure enough, when I got home and looked it up, there I was:

I'm just kinda like, "Wow." I always am when this happens. I never really ever set out to get people's attention like that, and when it happens I'm just blindsided by it.
UPDATE: I just got a response to the e-mail I sent them thanking them for their compliments. She wrote me back, saying:
Your column was funny and I liked the approach you took of assembling the bushisms into a fictitious interview-- it added a new twist. A good piece to capture the impeachy mood of our web visitors.
Habiba Alcindor
Communications Coordinator
The Nation
I like the word 'impeachy,' I'm gonna have to use that someday.
And to think, all I was gonna do was come home today and say "Best. Headline. EVER!" Beacuse it really was. It even beat out my former favorite headlines, "No 'gay agenda' hiding in closet," and "Pasta now credible creator."
Sigh, I hate for him to be kinda riding the coattails of this fun stuff, but I just wanna say as an aside that I LOVE Eric Moore's cartoons. He is absolutely hilarious. Todays "Tailybones" had to be one of the funniest things ever, check it out:

Alright, I guess that's about enough. Time to get back to work I suppose. Until later, all.