Saturday, February 25, 2006

Have they no shame?

It seems that there truly is no rationality at Fox News. There is no sense of human decency or humility in the dank, infested waters where Bill O'Reilley gathers the waste and decay of the media and burrows inside the long-dead carcass of objective reporting where he and his compatriots nest.

Yesterday, I posted that civil war in Iraq would be the worst possible outcome for the US intervention force. It would epitomize an absolute failure on our part to stabilize a post-war country, provide a free and democratic government, and provide for the safety of those whom we were supposedly liberating from oppression.

But yesterday, in an unprecented, unfathomable dedication to toeing the party line, Fox News argued that an Iraqi civil war could be a good thing!

I can only assume that "good thing" in Fox News's mind is that everyone over there will be dead and not plague our deific President any longer.

Have they no shame?

-Hat tip to


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