Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bush's Bombing List

Hat tip to Jesus' General

Tomorrow, Bob Woodward will reveal the following list of things Our Leader wants to bomb after he bombs Al Jazeera.

1. Spongebob Squarepants's pineapple under the sea.
2. Breathalizer Inc's corporate offices
3. Those Chinese doors
4. Sy Hersh's notebook
5. His Bicycle
6. Utz Pretzels
7. The bastard who gave Condi herpes
8. Websters Dictionary
9. A great big frog
10. Karl's mighty spatula of presidential discipline

I'd like to add the folowing to the list:

11. Whoever publised "My Pet Goat."
12. Whoever headed the search committee to nominate Harriet Meirs to the Supreme Court.



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